Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WI and some pics

I did better this week. I had a loss of 1.8lbs (165.8) so I lost the stay the same and the gain that I had the week before, plus a little bit more. I should have been down by more already since I was dumb and ate like a pig and had a gain and STS but I'm not going to be beat myself up about it.

I have been going strong with FLYlady. I decluttered my lazy Susan and my bedroom now. I've been on a mission! It feels great to get rid of a lot of junk that I don't need. Here's some pictures! I don't have before pictures but I'll explain each picture.

This is my lazy susan. It looks so empty now! I don't think that I have ever emptied it all out like this before. To get an idea, it was so full that I had to pile stuff on top of other stuff, just to make it fit! There was some things that expired years ago, that were way in the back!
This is our bedroom. Before, there was a pile of crap that didn't belong under the window, and a pile of crap (like a punch bowl!) in front of the dresser. Now all clean! And DH's night stand was full of some stuff too.Our closet! The thing I'm most proud of! The blankets, sheets and towels on the top shelf were just thrown in cause I was too lazy to get a chair since I couldn't reach them. So now they are all organized and nicely folded! Even arranged in size of bed! The floor of the closet used to be full of stuff, and the vacuum and carpet cleaner were outside of the closet, usually being tripped over! And the stuff used to come out past the doors. Pretty nice eh?
The dresser DH did the other day but it was covered in crap and dust. Not so clean!
And just a cute picture to add in! My favourite toys in the world!!!
I'm really proud of how well I'm doing. I know that a lot of you are probably laughing at the fact that I'm excited about a clean house, but it's true what FLYlady says, it makes you in a better mood to see the house clean. It's taken my almost 6 years of living here to get like this. And because I like how it looks, and it's so much cleaner, it's easier to keep clean! Now, to get the kids to help pick up toys more often......

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Blah! I stayed the same this week and I totally knew that I would or gain. I had a bad week with lots of bad food. I need to stay away from crap and I need to do that now. Ugh.....

Anyways, FLYing is going great! I decluttered the bathroom the other day and today I went at the freezer, fridge and our lazy Susan. I don't think I have every cleaned that out since we've lived here, other than the odd thing. I pulled everything out, threw out expired or old stuff and ended up with another garbage bag full. I was having trouble fitting stuff in there and the freezer lately but now, both are pretty empty! My next task is the hall closet. We use it as a snack/storage for appliances closet and I know it really needs to be cleaned out. It's funny yet sad at the same time that every time my husband sees something else that I've done, he says "Ok, who are you and what have you done with my wife!" LOL! I've wanted to do all of this for so long but it always really overwhelmed me and I never did it. I would just do the usual cleaning and if we had company coming, I'd declutter obvious areas and usually put stuff where it shouldn't go just to get it out of site. But now I'm actually cleaning it all out! It feels really good to get up in the morning and see my kitchen spotless and my kitchen sink shiny! And then once we get up and get going for the morning, I go right to my bed, make it then do the "Swish and Swipe" (clean the counter off with a cloth, the sink and then swish the toilet with the brush and wipe down the lids etc) in the bathroom and then go unload the dishwasher. I spend so much less time doing dishes now. I used to wait and do them once a day, sometimes every other day if I was busy and I would spend 1/2 hour at least doing them. Now I spend about 5-10 mintues unloading the dishwasher in the morning, then after each meal I throw the dishes in, that takes maybe 10 minutes tops and then at night before bed, I run it. I'm loving this!!!!!

Anyways, gonna go crash. Oh and for inspiration for anyone who is interested in FLYlady, but hasn't done it yet, here's my sink!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm FLYing!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted but I have come across FLYlady and am loving it! It's a website that gets you organized with housework and decluttering your house. I am the queen of clutter. I hate to throw things out and instead of finding homes for them, they usually end up on the bar or in my bedroom. So this website focuses on 1 zone in your house each week of each month. Last week was the kitchen and this week is the bathroom and extra room. I spent about an hour this morning going through all the cupboards and drawers in the bathroom and I threw out a whole garbage bag full of old stuff. I even found a bottle of Midol that expired in May....... 2003!!!! I feel so ashamed! LOL! The one thing I really like is she tells you to set a timer for 15 minutes and declutter as much as you can in that time. When the timer goes off, set it again, or stop. I found that it really helps it feel less like a chore. So I haven't been spending much time on the computer.

I'm having a bad feeling about my WI this week. I had a run in with some homemade brownies and vanilla ice cream yesterday. I was up quite a bit today. I'm hoping that the amount of water I've had will help, but I have a feeling it won't. I've got to get my motivation back again or I'm going to be a whale forever!

Kayla only has 4 full days of school left!!! (She only goes M, W and every other F) I can't believe that this school year is almost over! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was all nervous about her starting and now she'll be in SK next year. Next thing I know, Zachary will be starting school!

Anyways, kids are in bed, Jeff is at work and my cross stitch is calling my name, toodles!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I had a gain today, blah. But I know that it is most likely water weight cause I have felt so bloated the past few days. I'm not sure why, I haven't changed my eating or anything. Anyways, I gained back what I lost last week, 1.4lbs (167.6). I'm not too upset cause I have been doing pretty good. I'll just have to work harder this week to lose it and more!

Sorry I haven't been posting much again, it just seems like life is crazy hectic lately. Jeff has been working a lot so it's just been me and the kids. Next week should slow down a bit. Then I'll be back!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WI and an update

Wow, it's been a whole week! Don't worry I haven't abandoned this blog like I did the other one (hehe). I've just had a crazy week! My parents came down last Wednesday night and built the playhouse for the kids (I'll upload pictures later). They left Monday afternoon. I took Kayla to a field trip most of the day on Monday and then we had soccer last night and I had Totnastics with Juliana this morning and then Jeff worked tonight. Plus I've been nursing myself back to health. I ended up going to the doctors with Kayla on Thursday and he gave me an antibiotic cause I have a sinus infection. And then I took Zachary tonight cause he's been fighting a fever for the past 3 days and he's got an ear infection and a little sinus infection maybe too. So he's on an antibiotic too. His fever was 103.6 when I put him to bed tonight! Man, it seems like our family is certainly keeping the companies that make antibiotics in business lately!

Now for my WI! I was down 1.6lbs today, so I am now at 166.2lbs! I am so happy that I had such a large loss today! While my parents were here we had burgers, pasta, steak, pizza, apple crisp, strawberries and angel food cake. Plus I didn't exercise once and I ate lots of other stuff too. Plus AF came today so I'm feeling bloated. I am really surprised I had that big of a loss! So I am only 6.2lbs away from the 150's!!!!!! If I do ok, I could possibly be there by vacation (July 4th) That gives me 4 WI's to lost the 6.2lbs, which is 1.6lbs per week. It'll be pushing it, but we'll see!

Kayla has been having a really tough time with hearing me lately. Actually for the past couple of months. She had an ear infection and I guess it probably didn't heal all the way or something like that cause she had some fluid in it still. I thought it was just built up ear wax but when I took her to see the doctor last Thursday, he said that she can't hear because her ears aren't functioning properly because of the fluid and mucus that's in her ears. So he referred her to a ENT to possibly have tubes put in to help with the draining. I don't know much about it, so I've been Googling it a bit and it seems like a pretty common thing. I'm not worried at all but just curious. He did say that it could clear up on it's own by the time we go but he doesn't like to take chances so just to be safe, he wants us to go see the ENT.

And I got my appointment for my referal to go see the vein clinic!!! I don't think I've mentioned it before but I have some varicose veins and spider veins from being pregnant. They aren't horrible but I really don't like them either. So I asked my doctor at my last appointment and he said that he would refer me and he said that because they really hurt during pregnancy (I could barely stand up they hurt so much) and still bug me sometimes, they could possibly be covered my OHIP or at least partially! So woo hoo! I've been wanting to get them taken care of but didn't want to spend the money. But Jeff said he wants me to be comfortable in my own skin so he wants me to do it. I know my legs will never be pre-baby shape again, but that doesn't matter to me. I'm not a young teenager with perfect skin anymore. I'm a 27 year old mother of 3 who has the battle wounds of pregnancy.

Anyways, Jeff just got home from training so I'm gonna go crash with him!