Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm FLYing!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted but I have come across FLYlady and am loving it! It's a website that gets you organized with housework and decluttering your house. I am the queen of clutter. I hate to throw things out and instead of finding homes for them, they usually end up on the bar or in my bedroom. So this website focuses on 1 zone in your house each week of each month. Last week was the kitchen and this week is the bathroom and extra room. I spent about an hour this morning going through all the cupboards and drawers in the bathroom and I threw out a whole garbage bag full of old stuff. I even found a bottle of Midol that expired in May....... 2003!!!! I feel so ashamed! LOL! The one thing I really like is she tells you to set a timer for 15 minutes and declutter as much as you can in that time. When the timer goes off, set it again, or stop. I found that it really helps it feel less like a chore. So I haven't been spending much time on the computer.

I'm having a bad feeling about my WI this week. I had a run in with some homemade brownies and vanilla ice cream yesterday. I was up quite a bit today. I'm hoping that the amount of water I've had will help, but I have a feeling it won't. I've got to get my motivation back again or I'm going to be a whale forever!

Kayla only has 4 full days of school left!!! (She only goes M, W and every other F) I can't believe that this school year is almost over! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was all nervous about her starting and now she'll be in SK next year. Next thing I know, Zachary will be starting school!

Anyways, kids are in bed, Jeff is at work and my cross stitch is calling my name, toodles!

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