Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, I haven't done that great this week. I had some major computer issues and I was kind of in a funk. Our computer crashed Tuesday night and Outlook wouldn't open on Wednesday. I spent quite a while trying to get it to work. Well I ended up reinstalling it 3 times and it would finally open once I moved the file that it saves everything to. I think that file had been corrupted somehow. Anyways, I've lost everything - emails, contacts and all my appointments and things in the calendar. I was pretty upset at first but am now over it. Plus I got AF and felt like crap and I started getting a pretty bad cold. So I let my eating go out the window, bad I know! As of yesterday I was up a couple of pounds. But yesterday and today I've got my eating back on track and am trying to drink lots of water. I still feel like crap though. My head is really congested and feels like it's going to explode. I hope that I can overcome my many failures last week and still manage to lose .8lbs so I can get to my 10% goal.

I thought I would post some pics of the kids since I haven't done that in a while.

Zach is obsessed with the broom lately and I snapped this picture the other day. I love the look on his face!
The kids all watching daddy cut the grass
The girls riding on a toy together (they are actually getting along here!)
The Sears portrait we got of all 3 of them!
Zach being cute!
Cuddles with daddy!
Zach was acting goofy when he was playing with his music toy!
My beautiful Mother's Day bouquet
Kayla's 5 year portraits

I have my WI on Wednesday so I'll be back to update you all if I made it!

1 comment:

  1. My 28 month old is still obsessed with the broom. I hope he outgrows it soon, I can never find my broom when I need it!

    Good luck with your weigh in. I get weighed in 3 times a week and it's a real kick in the butt.
