Well, it certainly has been a very long time since I've posted. I have really had a hard time starting up with losing weight. I did really well there for a bit, and then food grabbed hold of me and it won. So the almost 25lbs that I had lost in the fall, is back, blah! But I have found some motivation these past few days after my husband (very carefully and out of love) asked me if I had gained weight. That was a huge wake up call. And I'm not mad at him for doing that, he is my husband and I needed it. So these past couple of days I have really cut back on what I've been eating and I've also started using the treadmill I borrowed from my parents almost a month ago! I started the Couch to 5K tonight and it felt awesome! I actually really wanted to do it too, and didn't feel like I was forced to.
Anyways, to update anyone who still might be out there reading this blog, life is very hectic! Zachary is a crazy busy boy, who is constantly on the go! He climbs, runs, jumps, dances etc etc! But he has such a sweet heart. I love when he comes up to me, puts his head on my lap and says "Hi, mama!" He is going to be turning 2 in 10 days!!! It honestly seems like it was just yesterday that I was pregnant with him! Here's a recent picture of him ♥ (Excuse the messy face!)

Juliana is going to be 4 in 2 days and starting JK in the fall! I can't believe she is getting so big! I've always thought of her as my little runt, but she recently had a huge growth spurt and has gotten very tall! She is stubborn but can be very sweet too. She loves to cuddle and is a daddy's girl! Here's a recent picture of her ♥

And Kayla, she's gonna be 6 in April. She's in SK and has the biggest heart in a kid I've ever seen. We switched her to a private Christian school and are really seeing her excel there. She can read very well and can cursive write all her letters and many words too! Here's a recent picture of her ♥

And our most recent addition to our family, Lily! She's a Jug (a mix between a Pug and a Jack Russel). She's cute and hyper and can certainly jump like a Jack. We got her in October and it certainly has added to our craziness!!!!

Well, that's a quick update after not blogging for months!!! Another quick thing, I've started taking cake courses through Bulk Barn. They are the Wilton Method and I love it! I've completed course 1 so far (4 classes) and we learned many different things, like roses and drop flowers. I start course 2 in April and can't wait. I'm hoping to start selling cakes, and have 2 people interested so far. I'll update more about all that and post some pictures of my cakes later on. For now I'll just post a quick pic of Juliana's cake for her party this past weekend. It's a pillow cake with an edible tiara and wand. Very fitting for a little diva!

Well, that's about it for now. I will have an easier time keeping up with this blog this time around since we have a laptop now. I hope that this will finally give me the willpower that I need and I can finally kick my weight problem in the butt! I've been overweight for too long and after losing 40lbs after I had Juliana, I know I can do it!!!